RANDOM RANT! Some people are so Mean!

Warning: This is a random rant and how i honestly feel about this situation. Please don't let anyone make you feel like a pile of poo.. Stay beautiful! 

I was on youtube watching videos and reading some comments, and I have come to realize that people are so mean. I am not sure if they have heard of the phrase "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all", or if they're parents just failed miserably. 

I watch this one youtuber and she is a little "overweight" and I see some comments about her being "Fat" and "unhealthy". I mean seriously, who the heck are you to tell someone what they are? Some people just need to stop being so rude, and ignorant to others and worry about their own lives. 

Another thing that comes to mind is that they are obviously either two things, a complete and utter jerk that has no consideration of other peoples feelings, or they are self conscious about something in their own lives and they just have to take it out on someone else to make themselves feel better. Either way... it is wrong. If something is shitty in your life, change it. Don't take it out on someone that is "Easy Prey". Go get some therapy and move on. Don't sit there and talk down to someone or try to maliciously hurt their feelings. If someone has something horrible to say to me, i just tell them to piss off and get over themselves. 

Never let someone make you feel insignificant, or ugly. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. There is no standard size of clothing for beauty. There is no standard hair color or style for beauty. Don't ever let anyone get you down, because in the end, it is only you that can define who you are. 



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