Moving? Well here is a checklist that you will need.

I am going to be moving in the next month, so i am starting to get stuff organized now. You never really know how much stuff you have until you are about to move. I live in a one bedroom apartment, and let me tell you, you accumulate a lot of stuff (I know i do), living somewhere for two years.

I have a month until i have to turn in my keys, which seems like a lot of time, but really it is not! 

I suggest doing the following months in advance. 

  • Find a new apartment or house, and get approved.
  • Set up a move in date and make it final. 
  • Get the house or apartment to your move-in ready standards. 
  • Search online for movers/or truck rental companies. (unless you have a truck and you're doing it yourself) 
  • Put some money into savings, just incase you need something while moving, or you find that you are in need of storage. 
  • Get a journal or planner and write out everything that you want to do before you move, and stick to it, this will be your best friend when it comes to moving time. 
1 Month before the big move. 

  • start packing non essentials (room by room) and labeling the boxes on all four sides of the box in the top left hand corner (yes, the top left, because thats where we always look when reading) 
  • I like to number boxes as well (for example, Kitchen box 1) This way here, you can write in your journal what is in which box. So in Kitchen box 1, you could have tupperware containers. and you can quick reference it. 
  • start purging. Find things that you don't really need or want, and find a new home for them. (i recently sold my sewing machine on Craigslist, which helps pay for the move) If you don't use it, you should lose it. I always stick to that motto.
  • sort through clothing and find what does not fit, its tough i know, but you will feel better after, plus you can now buy more clothing to replace it (excuse to shop) <<< :)
  • Set up a time and date to get the truck or movers.
  • check your new home or apartment (if possible) to make sure that its ready to go.
1 week before the move. 

  • Start packing most of the house up, aside from some things that you need. Example, cleaning supplies, clothing, bedding, food, some dishes, and if you have children or dogs (something to entertain them).
  • Remember to label each box and write it in your journal. (this will save time when you are unpacking).
  • put a box aside for essentials. These are the things you will need the day and night of the big move. This should include: entertainment, blankets, clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, and showering items. You can also put some food in there, but i am pretty sure food is the first thing that should be put away when you get to your new home, especially the refrigerated and frozen items (but you already know that).
  • put in a change of address for mail, and everything :)
The day of the move. 
  • Pack everything else up, or have the movers do it (if thats their job).
  • put valuables in a separate box, that can go with you in your car. 
  • keep that essentials box in your trunk (this will be your wardrobe/entertainment/and hygiene for at least a day or two). 
  • make sure to note how many boxes there are. and let the movers know. 
At the new place

  • Count how many boxes there are, to make sure there are no stragglers (or the movers did not take them), yes it happens, sadly. 
  • unpack everything room by room. And find a place for it, You may find that you want to give away more stuff (which is fine). I suggest unpacking the food first. and then the plates and such. :) 
The rest is pretty self explanatory. This is just a guide i go by when i have to move, and for me this helps keep the stress levels down, and everything organized. 

Enjoy your new home <3 



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