Where have i been? & Anxiety and Depression

So some of you may have noticed that I have been a bit MIA as of lately, and there is a ton of factors that caused my short break from youtube and writing.

My anxiety has been sky high and I have just recently started going back to therapy. (Yes therapy). So many people are ashamed to admit that and I honestly do not see an issue with seeking help for things that not everyone can control. I have also been struggling with depression. Its not always bad, but when it "acts up" I lose interest in everything that I love doing.

I hadn't posted a video in a month and written in the blog for about the same amount of time because I really just needed to take a step away from the internet and try to get my brain back in the game. I think I am better focused now that I took my little break, and hopefully you will see more consistency in my posting.

I was so close to quitting youtube and just writing in my blog, because I was so tired of all of the negativity that goes along with being on the internet. It was really getting to me. Luckily, I have a strong support system (my boyfriend, family, & friends). But it really made me think about things in a new perspective. What if someone was going through all of this alone? What if they had no one to turn to? To confide in?

There are so many people on the planet that are struggling with depression and/or anxiety and not everyone has a strong support system to help them get through it. This (in my opinion) is what leads to suicide or other things of the sort. I want you to know that its never to late to ask for help. Its never to late to see a therapist or counselor. If anyone who is reading this is having a rough time, just know that I believe in you and you CAN get through this. You are NOT alone.

Please note, that I am not a doctor or therapist, I cannot give medical or mental advice, but i can listen.

I am here to talk if you ever need someone to just talk to. It helps to just talk about it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
xo GlitterToGaming



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