My Tattoo Removal Story Part 1: Intro to Tattoo Medics and the procedure!

Hello Everyone! It has been a little bit since I have posted anything and oh my, do I have something pretty exciting in store for you. I am excited about this post because I consider this my online journal/diary that you all get to read, and to keep with that whole true to me theme I have going on here, I wanted to share something VERY cool with you all!

I have had the pleasure to come into contact with Richard Rosol, MD and he is the owner of a wonderful business called Tattoo Medics. I have a tattoo on my chest that I have always hidden and never really showed anyone because I think it is hideous and thanks to Richard Rosol, I get to be rid of this beastly thing.

(Before and after pictures will be down below if you want to take a peek. I'm putting them down below for those of you who do not like seeing this type of thing). 

I will be writing a few posts with updates after each treatment or a few days after (so I am able to get some healing pics).

He is doing my laser tattoo removal treatments for free in exchange for my honest and untainted reviews and opinions. He wants me to be honest and tell you what I think of it coming from my first hand experience(s). He is not paying me to do this post, nor am I gaining any monetary gain from this arrangement. 

After Richard told me that he was interested in doing the tattoo removal in exchange for my honesty, I was scared as all hell but I was also excited. Is that even possible? Well apparently it is haha. I had my first laser tattoo removal treatment and in all honesty, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; but I think that is because he is a doctor and he prescribed me a numbing cream that helped immensely.

So many things ran through my head such at this point in time, and I will share that with you and I will answer my own questions.

What is laser tattoo removal?
To me, it is some laser that targets the ink and makes your body filter it out. There is probably some giant technical term for it, but who has time for that? :)

is it going to hurt? 
it didn't hurt because he prescribed a numbing cream that I put on two hours before my treatment and it helped a lot. He also uses an ice pack on the area that he is working on to further ensure your comfort. I only had to have him stop in one area because there are a ton of nerves where the center line of the web lay.

how long does it take? 
As for how long it took, I am pretty sure it was only about 15 minutes, and my tattoo is huge, so it is pretty quick.

Is it safe?
well, I'm still alive, so I guess that is a yes. The reason why I was afraid of tattoo removal was because of the lasers. I was afraid of lasers because I immediately thought about Star Wars and Light Sabers. (You know me, I'm a goof).

Where does the ink go? (I asked Richard Rosol this and his answer made me laugh)
You poop it out. Yes, you really do. Your body filters it out and where else does your waste go?

what is the healing process?
The healing process to me was the most uncomfortable part. He informed me that it may bubble up a bit and it did. Thankfully he warned me about it or else I may have panicked a bit. He said it was rather common for it to blister up a bit and when it does you can put on a bandage just in case it decides to ooze.. EW right?!? Luckily mine didn't ooze and it only bubbled up slightly in two areas, other than that it was fine. The part that made (and is still making) the healing process a bit annoying to me was that it becomes itchy. OMG it itched like crazy on the 5th day, and it took everything in me not to scratch at it (but i was good and didn't). When you are through with your treatment, he tells you how to care for it, much like it was when I got my tattoo. I asked him if I could use coconut oil on it, and luckily he said yes. I hate the smell of Vaseline (it smells like chemicals). Basically you keep it moisturized with what ever it is that you are using and you can clean it twice a day with a mild soap (I used fragrance free baby soap with oatmeal to help with the itching).

So far this has been an interesting experience and I look forward to my next treatment. I am really excited about sharing this with you all.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and be sure to share it with your friends. (especially the ones who have an ugly tattoo) :)

Check his site out!

About the laser he uses:

He has some deals that I thought I should mention too.

If you have a tattoo that is for an ex, there is a discount for that... it is the Laser your Loser discount which is 5% off your laser tattoo removal services.

Also, if you get a package deal, you get 20% off (which is an amazing deal).


He is doing my laser tattoo removal treatments for free in exchange for my honest and untainted reviews and opinions. He wants me to be honest and tell you what I think of it coming from my first hand experience(s).



This is the before picture.  
He did the spider web (the center line hurt the worst) 
Its frothy (he called it laser froth) it disappears though. 

slight bubbling occurred. 
A little more bubbling happened and i am allergic to the tape i was using (yay sensitive skin).

This is today!  Holy Cannoli! the difference is outstanding and there is no more itching. 

Before (Top) and After (Bottom) Notice anything different?



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