Tattoo removal part two!

I was experiencing some tech issues posting this and I hope you all got my mass email keeping you up to date on some of the new things that are coming your way. But let's get into this shall we?
This first photo is the amazing transformation after just ONE session at TattooMedics! How Crazy is that?
Thanks Dr. Rosol for putting this together! 
I am so happy with the results from my first session with Dr. Richard Rosol from TattooMedics and I can't believe I've already done my second one! 
I must say that the second time around was less way better than the first time. The first time didn't really hurt but the healing process was a pain in the arse (it was so itchy I thought I was going to end up scratching off the rest of the tattoo. LOL)! 
The second session was more comforting because my nerves weren't going crazy. I remember the first time very well and let's just say my anxiety was probably worse than the actual process of removing the tattoo haha. 
I went in for my tattoo removal session with Dr. Rosol and I seriously can't believe how much ink has already gone away! Here are some pics of the Procedure.

I don't look like I'm scared at all. I pretty much look calm. Ignore my non-makeup face... i was having a bad acne day haha.  The only thing that is scary in this picture is me with no makeup on lol. JK. 

So right here I have on my super in fashion glasses that protect my eyeballs from the laser.. I'm pretty sure thats what they're for... He is putting an icepack on it to make sure i don't feel a thing! How thoughtful! 

I am obviously not in any pain... see how my hands are easily folded on my tummy and my face isn't making any reaction to the PicoSure laser?? I'm as cool as a cucumber. 

Almost done and I'm still just relaxing here.. thank god for EMLA cream... js.  
That line didn't even hurt this time! 

This was taken right after he did the treatment. I was still laying down hence the weird angle. But look how amazing this already looks! I am still in shock by how fast it is working.

This is two days after treatment. I didn't get a lot of bubbling up, but it did feel like it was bruising. Still not as bad as the first time. :)

One week later! WOW is legit all i can say 

This is after it healed completely.

Lets compare the photos of the first treatment and this one.. 

Below are two comparison photos of my first treatment and then my second. I can notice so much of a difference. The webbing is almost gone, the outlines of the letters are drastically fading and even the red is going away. I am still in awe over this. I am so happy to have the honor to do these posts in exchange for the treatments.

After First Treatment

After Second Treatment

If you are ever looking for a great place to get your tattoos removed be sure to check out  or click here TattooMedics to be redirected to their site.

You can also check them out on Facebook by clicking here
and their Twitter by clicking here

They also have an instagram that will be up soon and i will share the link when it is up.

Here is there contact info! Be sure to let them know that I sent ya!

226 Atwells Ave.
Providence, RI. 02903. 

And always, thanks for reading! be sure to sign up for email updates! 



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